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  • Helicopter Charter Flights


Helicopter Charter Flights

  • Departure


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  • DEP 東京ヘリポート(日中)
  • DEST 箱根仙石原ヘリポート

one way / round trip

  • one way

Number of people

  • Up to 3people

Surrounding Facilities

  • 箱根仙石原ヘリポート

Flight time


Flight Fare

352,000yen(tax in)

Make a reservation

Up to 3 people can board! The fee is for chartering one helicopter.

  • Please make your own accommodation reservations.
  • Available only to hotel guests.

Plan Details

  • Meeting Place

    Meeting Place
    〒136-0082 東京都江東区新木場4丁目7−25


    〒250-0631 神奈川県足柄下郡箱根町仙石原

    Nearby Facility Information


    Method of Payment

    Credit card payment or bank transfer is available.

    Transportation From Helipad To Hotel

    You can make your own arrangements You can arrange it by yourself or we can arrange it for you (fee not included).
    If you need a pick-up service, please contact our support center by e-mail (support@arila.co.jp), line (https://lin.ee/YaliXtb) or phone.

  • About Carry-on baggage

    Each passenger is allowed one piece of carry-on baggage free of charge.
    Maximum size (55cm x 40cm) is allowed.
    Carry-on baggage is only allowed on charter flights.
    On scenic flights, please leave your hand luggage and bags in a locker before take-off.


    Aircraft Information

    R44( 3-seater )

    • R44
    • R44
    • R44


    Third Party Passenger Comprehensive Liability Insurance
    This insurance provides coverage for legal damages caused by accidental injury to the life or body of a third party or passenger outside the aircraft, or damage to the property of a third party or passenger's baggage outside the aircraft, arising out of the ownership, use, or management of the contracted aircraft.

    Determination of weather conditions

    If the flight operator determines that the flight is not possible due to inclement weather, the flight will be cancelled. In such cases, all fees will be refunded (excluding bank transfer fees). Even if the weather is cloudy, the flight will be performed if it is possible to fly. You may change your own itinerary up to the date before the cancellation policy is applied.

    Cancellation Policy

    7~4 days prior to flight date: full refund
    3 or 2 days prior to flight date: 50% refund of flight fare
    1 day prior to the flight date (the day before), on the day of the flight or no notice: no refund

Nearby Facility Information


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    大正時代の香り漂う 居心地の良い空間

    Official HP


    四季の彩り 豊富な温泉 歴史が交わる箱根 小涌谷 かつてこの地に三井財閥の別荘として建てられた 登録有形文化財「三井翠松園」は「箱根・翠松園」の料亭としてその歴史を今に紡ぐ 山の静寂と鮮やかな木々花々の息吹きが身を包み 心を癒すひとときをお過ごしいただけます


    Approximate Accommodation Rates

    108,900yen(tax in)~

    *Estimated accommodation fee is for 2 people (per room per night).


    Official HP


    箱根強羅の旧閑院宮別邸跡地に立地する強羅花壇。 日本古来の素材と現代的表現を併せ持つ館、源泉からこんこんと湧き出る温泉、精選した旬の食材で彩られる本格懐石料理。 伝統的な「和」の息づく空間で、至極のひとときをお過ごしくださいませ。


    Approximate Accommodation Rates

    192,700yen(tax in)~

    *Estimated accommodation fee is for 2 people (per room per night).


    Official HP


    自然と文化が薫る箱根強羅で、まだ見ぬ箱根に出逢うときめきの数々。 好奇心を呼び覚まし、ライフスタイルに新しい気づきを与えるモダンな隠れ家で箱根の自然やアートに安らぎ、本当の自分に戻るリトリートステイを。


    Approximate Accommodation Rates

    52,000yen(tax in)~

    *Estimated accommodation fee is for 2 people (per room per night).

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Option Information

  • 花束オプション

    Bouquet Options

    A staff member will deliver a bunch of beautiful seasonal flowers in front of the helicopter in the hangar after landing.

    28,000yen(tax in)~

  • 映像オプション

    This option can be used as a surprise memory or for a wedding profile movie.

    66,000yen(tax in)~

Flight Area

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