Accommodation and Transportation Plan by Helicopter
Ujo Soan
Tango, another Kyoto with the sea. An adult's retreat in a detached house.
- Estimated price
- ARI Air
Special price
- Special price with ARI Air360,000yen(tax in)~
- 260,000yen(tax in)~
●Accommodation Details
Ujo Soan
〒629-3241 京都府京丹後市網野町木津247Google MAP -
2〜3peopleCHECK IN
14:00〜17:00CHECK OUT
〜11:00 -
空いっぱいの満点の星空の下、しっとり頬を濡らす雨の中。 しんしんと舞う雪の中。四季折々の情景に包まれながら夕日ヶ浦温泉「美人の湯」でゆったり。 部屋の露天風呂では、じぶんだけのとっておきの時間をお過ごしください。 -
豊かな海と山に囲まれた「雨情草庵」。春夏秋冬、今、ここでしか味わえない味覚の数々が、宴を彩ります。 素材そのものの味を存分に活かした、清廉にして豪快な料理。海と山に囲まれた丹後だからこそご用意できる厳選素材。 獲れたての新鮮な素材の味を熟練の技が高めます。全室個室の食事処「天津水」で、お楽しみください。 -
特別棟 宗家
やわらかな静寂の中、木々のささやきと水の音。丹後の四季を楽しみ、雨を愛でる心。雨情草庵の源流とも言える「宗家」。 百五十年前の古材で建てられたその佇まいは、幻想的でいて、どこか懐かしい。 一歩踏み入れると思わず「ただいま」と感じるお宿。そこは誰もが心に抱いている原風景を見つける場所。
260,000~ -
●Accommodation Surrounding Facilities / Plan Recommended Spots
●Plan Image
Ariair makes it possible
- Point 1 Direct access via helicopter transfer without traffic jams
- Direct access via helicopter transfer without traffic jams
- Point 2 You can travel completely privately with a private charter.
- You can travel completely privately with a private charter.
- Point 3 Reliable support from a dedicated concierge
- Reliable support from a dedicated concierge
●Reservation Flow
Apply using the form
You can apply using Ariair's posting form.
A dedicated concierge will contact you to confirm your reservation details.
Alila's exclusive concierge will contact you to confirm your reservation details.
Reservation completed with payment
The reservation will be completed once the payment is completed.
Gather at the helipad on the day
On the day, please meet at the heliport you reserved. *We can also arrange a hire car to the helipad.
Plan Details
Meeting Place
- The Meeting Place
- 阿蘇から熊本空港専用 移動便
- Address
- Destination
- 佳松苑網野ヘリポート
- Address
- 〒629-3245 京都府京丹後市網野町浜詰43−2 浜恵
Nearby Facility Information
Method of Payment
Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer.
Transportation From Helipad To Hotel
You can arrange it yourself or we can arrange it for you (separate charge applies).
If you require a shuttle service, please contact our support center via email ( or phone number.
Aircraft Information
Third Party Passenger Comprehensive Liability Insurance
This insurance provides coverage for legal damages caused by accidental injury to the life or body of a third party or passenger outside the aircraft, or damage to the property of a third party or passenger's baggage outside the aircraft, arising out of the ownership, use, or management of the contracted aircraft. Determination of Weather Conditions
If the flight operator determines that the flight is not possible due to inclement weather, the flight will be cancelled. In such cases, all fees will be refunded (excluding bank transfer fees). Even if the weather is cloudy, the flight will be performed if it is possible to fly. You may change your own itinerary up to the date before the cancellation policy is applied.
Cancellation Policy
Contact us 7-4 days before the flight date: Full refund
If you contact us 3 or 2 days before the flight date: 50% refund of the flight fee
1 day before (the day before), on the day, or if there is no contact: No refunds